Mundane Knowledge

Everyday info about the world


  • Days are 24 hours
  • Weeks are 5 days
  • Months are 6 weeks (30 days)
  • Years are 10 months (300 days

The weeks are divided into 4 days (referred to as first quarter, second quarter, etc), with a fifth day acting as a rest day. In some parts of the world, the rest day comes at the end of the week after the fourth quarter. In others, the rest day is the midweek, taking place between the second and third quarters.


Most commerce an adventuring party will interact with are in "traveler's coins", which come in three forms: diamond shaped copper "sparks", half-circle silver "moons", and circular gold "suns". All of these coins come with a hole punched in the center, allowing them to be strung together for easy travel and simplifying trade with larger quantities of coins. These coins are accepted broadly across the plateau, and it's likely they will only be turned down in a trade with those who eschew currency entirely in favor of bartering.

Rare oval platinum pieces are known as "ten-strings" or "harps", are they are equivalent to a string of ten gold, one of the more common denominations of coin strings. Even rarer electrum pieces are called "eclipses". While you may be able to trade with a platinum (albeit with some suspicion), these hexagonal non-punched coins are likely to be refused by the common folk (though anyone with an eye for historic artifacts may be willing to take if off your hands)


Languages vary from region to region. In a given area, you can expect to find one 'main' language spoken by the majority of inhabitants, with a variety of other languages and dialects spoken by smaller populations of the area. Below are a handful of languages adventurers are likely to encounter.

Exchange: also called 'common', exchange is the trade language of ioraz, spoken in many of the towns and cities across the world. Though it's the most widespread of languages, its use is rather limited. Speaking in exchange is a sure way to be marked and recognized as an outsider to any given region. In places with a noble ruling class, it's usually considered quite the social blunder to speak exchange within high society.

Sylvan: primary language of the misty alder woods and the surrounding lands in the southwest region of the world. A rhythmic, melodic language. Songs across ioraz are sung in this language, and it's expected that any musically inclined bards are proficient in this language.

Khorvian: primary language of the automata & gnomes. Found in the mountains surrounding the iron cradle, as well as the city of Neocyre. A highly technical language, with emphasis on speaking both precisely and bluntly. The standard written language for artificers, architects, and the scientifically-minded.

Stridula:encompasses an entire family of languages, exclusively spoken by the insectoid dunechasers. Sounds are created through the clacking of mouthparts and buzzing of elytra; no other humanoids are capable of replicating it, nor can dunechasers speak the common tongue.


Technology can generally be assumed to be on par with the assumptions made in the player's handbook. More advanced technology can be found in larger settlements, or places with a higher population of spellcasters (especially artificers). Firearms are rare, and ammunition is hard to come by.

Communication and transport

Messengers and couriers are the most common way of sending letters and mail across long distances. Most caravans offer some kind of mail service- slow, but secure. Less scrupulous types, or those who need a level of secrecy, might do good to contact the local thieves guild, many of which employ a courier or two. The fastest method is the messenger crows of the Kin, but due to their recognizable appearance, messages are at risk of being sniped out of the sky and intercepted. A rare few cities such as Neocyre or the Iron Cradle offer magical messaging, but these are usually too expensive for everyday people to use.